More automated compared to OpenMP. (OpenMP enables multiprocessing but requires manual notations)
Higher-level, multithreaded compared to compiler PGO. (PGO usually focuses on low-level modifications like instructions)
Some other changes including IO/memory/variable scope...
Idea overview
An input program is parsed first to get a graph, each node stands for a possible modification, nodes are connected by edges for dependency and conflicts
A not necessarily feasible random binary vector $m$ is drawn from a distribution $\pi$, each bit in it corresponds to whether a possible modification is applied. It is fixed according the dependency and conflicts information from the graph. Then a modified program can be obtained from $m$
Modified programs are compiled and run, its behaviour is compared to the original program
According to the result, $\pi$ is updated in order to prefer a better solution space
Finally, a best modified candidate is selected for output.
Requirement: a data generator for testing application behaviour.
Technical overview
The optimizer takes C++ source code as input and output processed C++ code and a summerized report
C++ code analysis and modification is based on Clang and LLVM
Both AST visiter and AST matcher are used to match and rewrite code patterns
The whole task is splitted into batches and sent to a PBS system, utilizing nodes from a cluster
Singularity container is used to satisfy GLIBC dependencies and create an isolated environment for untrusted code execution
Around 760 code samples are collected from Codeforces and then used for testing and benchmarking the optimizer
The implementation is mainly in C++, with some Python, Bash, JavaScript and PHP
After the transformation, the running time reduced by 14.5% on average. The baseline (running the original program for all epochs) obtained 2.9% decreasement (due to running time fluctuation).
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