#include bootstrap
Palo Alto, CA (Pacific Time)
2019 - 2020 | M.S. in Computer Science, University of Southern California GPA: 3.77/4 Ph.D. courses taken: Convex and Combinatorial Optimization Special Topics - Topics in Discrete Optimization and Learning |
2014 - 2018 | B.E. in Information Security, Donghua University Cumulative GPA: 3.8/5 (88/100) Major GPA: 4.05/5(90.5/100) |
2017 - 2018 | (Visiting student) Purdue University Northwest GPA: 4.00/4 |
FSE 2021 | Tianyi Chen,
Kihong Heo, and
Mukund Raghothaman. Boosting Static Analysis Accuracy with Instrumented Test Executions.
Bayesian framework for incorporating dynamic runtime information into static program analysis systems. Demonstrates significantly higher effectiveness in finding bugs: Reduces human effort by an average of 35% compared to purely static ranking techniques on a suite of 13 Unix command-line programs. | |
DSO@IJCAI20 | Understanding Reinforcement Learning Based Traveling Salesman Problem Solvers Adversial instances for deep learning based TSP solvers and empirical methods and analysis | |
2017 - 2018 | Undergraduate thesis: Source-to-source transformation to optimize algorithm-oriented programs |
Oct. 2021 | 44th Annual World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest |
Feb. 2020 | The 2020 ICPC North America Championship Rank 17 |
Nov. 2019 | Southern California Regional ICPC Rank 2 as a member of USC Trojans |
Mar. 2019 | USC Programming Contest Rank 1 |
June 2017 | Google Distributed Code Jam Round 2 World Rank 112 |
May 2017 | The 8-th Lanqiao Programming Contest National Final Second Prize |
Apr. 2017 | The 8-th Lanqiao Programming Contest Shanghai Municipality Regional First prize |
Dec. 2016 | ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest China-Final Bronze Medal |
June 2018 | Excellent Graduate Student of Shanghai |
Dec. 2016, Dec. 2017 | Excellent Student, Donghua University |
Dec. 2016, Nov. 2017 | Donghua University Scholarship |
Nov. 2016 | China National Scholarship |
Feb. 2021 - Now | quadric.io Inc Software Engineer SDK for the company's custom processor architecture optimized for parallel artificial intelligence computing. Which includes optimized C++ implementation of algorithms, and interaction between hardware/simulator Graph compiler for lowering neural networks into C++ |
Feb. 2019 - Jan. 2020 | USC Graduate School Student Programmer Design, development and maintenance of frontend and backend parts for graduate school applications |
C++, Clang Frontend |
Python |
JavaScript, PHP, C#, Bash, Assembly |
I was an active player in competitive programming, now not that active due to time constraints. However I still find it enjoyable and I just had a nice trip to the SoCal Regional ICPC!
Codeforces: TianyiChen
When I have time, I like to travel, hike and read.
I am also interested in quantitative finance and algorithmic trading.